Dehydration: 5 Things You Need to Know

Dehydration: 5 Things You Need to Know

When your body loses a sufficient amount of water, you can be dehydrated. Dehydration is a risky occurrence for kids and seniors as their body may not be able to handle the consequences. Dehydration can range from mild to moderate, and even severe. This all depends on how much amount of fluid has been lost in your body.

As providers of home health care in Delaware, let us share this information to equip you more in caring for a loved one at home:

  1. What causes dehydration?

    Every day, we lose fluid in our body. This happens when we sweat, breathe, cry, spit, and even when we excrete. Each time we eat and drink, these lost fluids are replaced. However, there are instances when we lose more body fluids than usual. These instances include:

    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Fever
    • Excessive urination (as a symptom of other illnesses)

    Dehydration in these events can worsen because you might not feel thirsty, you’re too sick to drink, or you forget to take in more water.

  2. What are the symptoms of dehydration?

    When you have a mild dehydration, you may experience the following:

    • Extreme thirst
    • Dry mouth
    • Dry skin
    • A Headache
    • Muscle cramps

    When you have severe dehydration, which needs an emergency response, you may have the following symptoms:

    • The Feeling of dizziness/fainting
    • Quick breathing
    • Lack of energy
    • Irritability
    • Very dry skin

    Your kid can also be dehydrated, but they may not be able to tell you. However, you can spot dehydration through the following:

    • Crying without tears
    • Drowsiness
    • Soft spot on top of the skull
    • Dry diaper after wearing it in 3 hours
    • Irritability or no energy
  3. Who faces the risk of experiencing dehydration?

    Dehydration can affect many people. But the following age groups are riskier than others:

    • Infants and little children
      Young children can easily acquire diarrhea which can cause the body to lose a great amount of fluid. Furthermore, this age group may not be able to say they’re thirsty, so without an adult to supervise them, their dehydration can potentially worsen.
    • Seniors
      The elderly people don’t have as much amount of water as in their younger years. Furthermore, they don’t often feel thirsty. These instances can worsen dehydration. If they also have mobility issues, getting water may not be easy for them.
  4. How much water do you really need?

    The ideal guideline is to drink water at least 7-8 glasses every day.

  5. What are helpful tips to stay hydrated?
    • Drink water as much as possible.
    • Eat fruits with plenty of juices.
    • Serve water to younger kids and older adults.
    • Don’t wait to feel thirsty before drinking.

At At Home Care Agency, we help you provide highly qualified home health care professionals to care for your vulnerable loved ones at home. In Delaware, we’re serving the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex.

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